curl calm issue

Tue Dec 1 06:02:18 GMT 2020

Brian Inglis writes:
> The issue is that previous releases were always generated with
> debuginfo, but the latest release also changes debug behaviour to
> strictly check SSL protocol, causing execution issues with users and
> downstreams.

I read upstreams response that this will become the default behaviour
anyway, so I'd not spend any effort on working around this issue unless
you are fairly certain that youi can convince them otherwise.

> I would like to generate the updated release without the behaviour
> change and that appears to also eliminate debuginfo generation.

Then you need to patch out the corrsponding change.  I have not looked
if they lumped it into another define (which would be more difficult) or
if just the configury does an extra define for this error checking (just
undefine it).

> If I need to generate release -2 without debuginfo, how do I avoid
> this issue?

Again, don't.

> Alternatively, could I use separate cygport files to generate the lib
> and bin subpackages without debuginfo, and the devel package with
> debuginfo and the strict SSL protocol check, and how would that work
> with calm?

Please not and no, that sort of nonsense isn't supported by setup anyway.

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