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RE: No postnews or other Usenet news utilities?

Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
> Assuming you're not a deliberate spammer, this whole hullabaloo could
> have easily been avoided by simply asking your question without the six
> chapters about Pokemons (whatever they are), why you were selling them, what
> your advertising strategy was, etc etc etc.

I get it.  Short.  Succinct.  Cool.  IAG.

> If you are in fact a filthy spammer, well, then I'll save you a seat in Hell.

Awwww, Gary!  Why would you say such things?  C'mon, man ... it's all good!  Why would you think that you're going to hell?  You don't have to, you know.  I could show you The Way.

(WARNING:  I'm not only an evil spammer (according to some, at least), but I'm also a born-again Christian.  HOO-rah!  :)

<>< Bruce

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