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Wildcards in the path name parameter


I want to do a simple copy. I have W2K on my machine and the normal dos
commany would have been:

copy c:\sourcedir\*.txt c:\targetdir

So I have an application that makes a call to the cp.exe cygwin file:

cp c:\sourcedir\*.txt c:\targetdir

I get the following error:
cp: cannot stat `c:\sourcedir\*.txt': No such file or directory

I changed direction of the \ to / and it doesn't help.

I did notice that if I'm in the sourcedir when running the commmand the
following command works:

cp *.txt c:\targetdir

So my conclusion is that the * is not interpreted as a wildcard when it is
part fo a pathname. How can I change that so that it copies all txt files in
a source dir?



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